Old Radio Schematic S
Old Radio Schematic S' title='Old Radio Schematic S' />There are two ways you can go about modding an old radio so you can connect your iPod to it. Voyager Radio Somebody just copied Pulsars site without any credits. Useful if Pulsars Server goes down. Hans Another great place for schematics, similar to. Transistor Radio Circuit Diagrams Servicing Data. Do you need schematics and servicing data to get you collectable transistor radio working We carry lots of. Dear Mr. Yong, Today, my 16yrs. SAMSUNG PLANO Television got suddenly switched off and sinnce then its prehaps turning inside as I hear a little sound of power. Webs largest old radiotvelectronics site since 1995. Information Historical Instructions Servicing Data. Radios for sale, sold radios, radio museums. Nostalgia Air Resource By Manufacturer. Resources By Manufacturer. Schematics, Manuals, Tech Notes, etc. NOTE There has been some confusion on how to view and download the images from Nostalgia Air. When you select a model to view, a new page is displayed. There will be a dark grey bar in the middle of the page, with the word Resources centered in the bar. On the left side of the bar there are two icons, the Disk Icon allows you to download the document, the Eye Icon allows you to view the document, there is a Help Icon which brings up additional information on using the resources. All resources are now in the form of PDF files and require Acrobat Reader. How can I fix my old radio Hardly a week goes by without somebody sending me a message like this. Help, Phil I just bought a Schmidlap 3. But when I turn it on, it just makes a loud buzz or doesnt make a sound, etc. What should I do If youre in this position, here are some answers to help you get started. Should I fix it myself, or hire someone to do it You dont need advanced electronics knowledge to fix most old radios. Tube powered radios are simple in comparison to modern electronics. Most were built to conventional designs, and they use replacement parts that. Fixing. old radios can be an enjoyable hobby in itself, and you might even learn. On the other hand, working on any electrical equipment can pose a danger. And botched repairs can make a problem worse. If youve never done such work, and youre not. Where can I find someone to fix my radioIts preferable to find a repairman within driving distance, to avoid the cost. Start by contacting a radioTV collector. Even if the nearest club isnt next door. The Antique Radio Classified website. If you search for a phrase such as vintage radio repair on a. Google or Bing. you can find repair shops that advertise on the Internet, although those. Is there a book that I can readYes Some excellent radio repair books are listed on. Books for Radio Collectors. Kennedy/type110schematic.jpg' alt='Old Radio Schematic S' title='Old Radio Schematic S' />Your public library may have these, or they can be ordered from. Antique Radio Classified. Many other out of print repair books can be found through. Winamp Visualizations Pack. Bay. If you get a good repair book, you can. The book will cover the. Are parts still available Yes. Commonly needed electronic components are readily available. See my Parts page. What skills do I need For the most common repairs, you need to be able to read and to do simple. SAFETY WARNING You also need to know how to work. Old radios carry high voltage current that. The repair books explain how to do this work. Never stick your hands or anything else inside an old radio. Do I need to get a schematic diagram before I start Its a good idea for beginners. Radios can be repaired using the general. Schematics for US and Canadian radios typically cost a few dollars and can be. Parts page. You can. Nostalgia Air or. Do I need to replace all of the tubes No A common misconception about radio repair is that you should. Like a light bulb, a radio tube is vacuum sealed it doesnt. You dont need to replace. Other components. What tools and equipment do I needThe one tool you cant do without is a small, pencil type soldering iron, available. Radio Shack. You may already own the other gear youll needa. Phillips and normal head in different sizes, a small. The most useful piece of equipment is. You can get one for around 2. Radio Shack and many other sources. If you do frequent repair work, the next most useful item is. RF radio. frequency signals at various frequencies. By injecting a known signal. For instance, if you inject an audio signal into. A signal generator is also. Do I Need to Buy a Tube Tester Many people ask me whether theyll need a tube tester. The answer is no. Tubes are pretty reliable, in the first place. First Steps in Restoration explains how. You can also substitute a known good tube in. Conversely, you can put a suspect tube into a radio that already. The same is true of other equipment such as oscilloscopes. If you have one, it can. Its amazing what a skilled repair person can do just by. How can I refinish the cabinet Refinishing wooden radio cabinets is no different than refinishing other wooden. My favorite book on wood refinishing is. The Weekend Refinisher by Bruce Johnson. For more details, see. Books for Radio Collectors. Restoration section. My preference, which is shared by most collectors, is to restore wooden objects. If you strip or sand a radio cabinet down to bare wood, you may destroy its. The same goes for applying non authentic. The Weekend Refinisher explains. Restoring bakelite or plastic cabinets is mostly a matter of cleaning and. I recommend starting with the gentlest possible means and. I always. start out with warm, soapy water, some clean, soft cloths, and a soft. Cotton Q tips and round toothpicks also. Avoid solvents, especially when working. Nothing is more disheartening than. The strongest cleaner that I use for cleaning stubborn grime is window. Windex. For cabinet polishing, I prefer Novus Plastic. Polish, grades 1 and 2, available from Antique Electronic Supply. Novus polish is gentle enough to safely polish the most delicate plastic dial covers, yet the 2 grade. Other collectors polish with various substances. Some collectors wax bakelite cabinets after polishing, but Ive not found that. Be patient. and stick to soft cloths and elbow grease. Cracks in Bakelite and plastic cabinets be reglued with cyanoacrylate crazy glue if the break is clean. Larger defects in a plastic cabinet can be patched with a product. Plas T Pair, available from Antique. Electronic Supply. Larger breaks in a Bakelite cabinet may. I have heard of people patching them. Bakelite and some sort of glue. Whats the best way to learn The best learning method is probably to watch over the shoulder of an experienced. If you join a local collectors club, perhaps you can find. Our Restoration section contains many articles on restoring specific radios, including tabletop, console. These articles contain all sorts of tips and practical advice about. A good book on radio repair is invaluable. As mentioned earlier. What Is The Difference Between Program Evaluation And Curriculum Evaluation there. If youre a complete novice in electronics, I recommend practicing on a. A visit to the local thrift store may. It wont be exactly like your real radio, but the techniques that you learn. Practicing on a junker will help you learn whether you like this activity.