Jquery Banner Rotator Rapidshare

Query-Carousel-Evolution.jpg' alt='Jquery Banner Rotator Rapidshare' title='Jquery Banner Rotator Rapidshare' />An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS j. Query. Introduction. In this tutorial we are going to create an AJAX driven shopping cart. View2/2/h/300/interlace/1' alt='Jquery Banner Rotator Rapidshare' title='Jquery Banner Rotator Rapidshare' />All the products are going to be stored in a My. SQL database, with PHP showing and processing the data. Query will drive the AJAX es on the page, and with the help of the simpletip plugin will add to an interactive check out process. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Free Mobile Website Generator. Easily create responsive sitesSo go ahead, download the demo files and start reading. Note This tutorial is quite old and doesnt work in PHP7 and above. We are keeping it online only as a reference. Step 1 the My. SQL Database. If you want to set up a working demo, youll need to execute the following SQL code in your database manager e. Pure Football Pc Torrent'>Pure Football Pc Torrent. My. Admin. It will set up the table and insert a few products. The code is also available in table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS internetshop. NOT NULL autoincrement. NOT NULL default. NOT NULL default. NOT NULL. price double NOT NULL default 0. PRIMARY KEY id. UNIQUE KEY img img. ENGINEMy. ISAM DEFAULT CHARSETutf. COLLATEutf. 8unicodeci AUTOINCREMENT7. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES1, i. Pod. png, i. Pod, The original and popular i. Pod., 2. 00. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES2, i. Mac. png, i. Mac, The i. Mac computer., 1. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES3, i. Phone. png, i. Phone, This is the new i. Phone., 4. 00. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES4, i. Pod Shuffle. png, i. Pod Shuffle, The new i. Pod shuffle., 4. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES5, i. In this tutorial we are going to create an AJAXdriven shopping cart. All the products are going to be stored in a MySQL database, with PHP processing the data and. Create terrific lightbox jQuery slideshows in second without a line of code. All browsers and devices 11 9 110. Pod Nano. png, i. Pod Nano, The new i. Pod Nano., 9. 9. INSERT INTO internetshop VALUES6, Apple TV. Apple TV, The new Apple TV. Buy it now, 3. 00 After this, you should fill in your My. SQL credentials in connect. Step 2 the XHTMLFirst we start off with our main markup. Shopping cartlt h. The best products at the best priceslt h. Productslt span lt section label. Shopping Cartlt span lt label for the section. Shoppingcart1. 28x. Tnpsc Group 1 Study Material. Form methodpost actionorder. Form. submit return false classbutton Checkoutlt a lt the submit button, hidden by default, notice the onclick attribute. As you can see, weve organized our content into two main sections, which are almost identical in the XHTML markup they use the first one, where all the products are displayed, and second one, acting as a shopping card. Below you can see a detailed explanation of the structure of the product section. The product section. The products are generated by our PHP code, as you can see on line 1. We are digging deeper into this in a few minutes. Now lets take a look at how we turned the XHTML layout into a finished design. Step 3 the CSSThis time the CSS code is quite long, so Im going to split it into parts. Arial, Helvetica, sans serif. The top part of the rounded container image, see the illustration above. F5. F5. F5. float left. Notice the tooltip class. It is created automatically by the simpletip plugin, but it has no styles applied by default. That is why we style it here. Ive used the border radius property, which is not yet supported by all browsers, but will degrade gracefully for those that dont. Now lets take a look at the styles that target the shopping cart section. REMOVE link. font size 1. F7. F7. F7. border 1px solid EFEFEF. CHECKOUT button. Some less interesting classes. BBFF. text decoration none. Trebuchet MS,Arial, Helvetica, sans serif. F5. F5. F5. font size 1. As any front end developer will tell you, we have something missing here. You guessed it special treatment for IE6. I personally plan to stop supporting IE6 soon in my projects altogether if it wasnt for it, the above code would have been at least a quarter shorter, and it would have taken a lot less time to debug. But anyway, here is how we target IE6 specifically demo. IE 7. lt style typetextcss. IE6 transparency issues. There. Now lets take a look at the PHP backend. The shopping cart. Step 4 PHPWe use PHP in a number of ways and places. First lets look at how the product list is generated on the main page. SELECT FROM internetshop selecting all the products. Another place where we use PHP is in tips. This is later used by the simpletip plugin. INCLUDECHECK,1. POSTimg dieThere is no such product. Simple Address Book Program In Java. POSTimg. rowmysqlfetchassocmysqlquerySELECT FROM internetshop WHERE img. There is no such product. Drag it to your shopping cart to purchase itlt small We also use PHP to return the necessary data for the addition of products in the shopping cart. The difference is that this time we return the data as JSON a javascript object. INCLUDECHECK,1. POSTimg dieThere is no such product. POSTimg. rowmysqlfetchassocmysqlquerySELECT FROM internetshop WHERE img. The outputted object has status, id, price and txt properties. These are used by our AJAX functions as youll see in a moment. Notice how Ive escaped each line of the string with a backslash. This is done because javascript does not support multiline strings. The last place where we use PHP is in order. Currently, it just outputs your order. You could modify it to include an email form, paypal functionality, or anything that will make it into a functional online shop. INCLUDECHECK,1. POST if there is no data submitted to the form. SERVERHTTPREFERER redirect. Location. SERVERHTTPREFERER. XHTML code. POST as key value. SELECT FROM internetshop WHERE id IN. IN function. if There was an error with your orderlt h. You ordered lt h. Total. total. lt h. This concludes the PHP section. The only thing that is left is some j. Query magic. A simple order page. Step 5 j. Query. We will utilize j. Query to the fullest, so we will need to include the additional j. Query UI library as well as the basic library. Query simpletip plugin. Now we can continue with our script. Array an array containing all the products weve purchased so far. Show function. Parent. IE6. if. browser. Parent. findimg. Index 1. IE6 fix. if. browser. The main idea here is that we use an images src attribute as an unique key that is sent to the PHP back end. Every product in the DB has a file name filed, which enables us to find the product by its product image. This whole block of code is executed after the page has finished loading, so we are sure that all the elements on the page are initialized. Below is the second part of script. POST. url ajaxaddtocart. URIComponentparam, the product image as a parameter. Type json, expecting json. Send functionxajax loader. Intmsg. status1. Intidcnt. Intidcnt. There are a few places in this code, where we use an id for pointing to a product. The id is a unique identifier, that is assigned by the My. SQL database once we insert a new item. It is passed by the AJAX requests and we need to translate it to the index position of our products array in order to use it, which is the purpose of the findpos function. With this our shopping cart is complete Conclusion. Today we made a functional AJAX driven shopping cart. You are free to download the code and modify it any way you wish.