Ultrasurf Program

Freegate Wikipedia. Freegate is a software application developed by Dynamic Internet Technology DIT that enables internet users from mainland China, North Korea, Syria, Vietnam, Iran, United Arab Emirates, among others, to view websites blocked by their governments. The program takes advantage of a range of proxy servers called Dynaweb. This allows users to bypass Internet firewalls that block web sites by using DITs Peer to peer P2. Ultrasurf Program' title='Ultrasurf Program' />Ultrasurf ProgramLisans cretsiz Boyut 922 KB Versiyon 1. Dil ngilizce Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 iletim sistemlerinde Samsung ML1610 rnnn. Peertopeer P2P computing or networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged. Tech and Science topics phones, computers, gadgets, and the Internet, astronomy earth science, climate weather, environment green living and much more. UltraSurf is a free software which enables users inside countries with heavy Internet censorship to visit any public web sites in the world safely and freely Users in. P like proxy network system. Free. Gates anti censorship capability is further enhanced by a new, uniquecitation neededencryption and compression algorithm in the versions of 6. Dynamic Internet Technology estimates Freegate had 2. The maintainer and CEO of DIT is Bill Xia. DynawebeditDyna. Web is a collection of anti censorship services provided by Dynamic Internet Technology Inc. DIT. Dyna. Web is a web based anti censorship portal. Once users point their web browser at one of the Dyna. Web URLs, a web page will be presented similar to the original, with most blocked websites as links. In addition, a user can type in any URL in the box on this page and Dyna. Web will fetch the pages for him or her instantly. No software is needed, nor are any settings tweaked on a users computer. Since the Chinese net police watch Dyna. Webs portal websites closely and block them as soon as they identify them, Dyna. Web must be dynamic. It has hundreds of mirror sites at any time, and each with a varying IP and DNS domain names to defeat IP blocking and DNS hijacking. On the backend, Dyna. Web also has mechanisms to proactively monitor the blocking status of each of its mirror sites, and as soon as blocking is detected, it will change the IP and DNS domain name instantly. To keep users connected to such a dynamic infrastructure, Dyna. Web has a variety of channels to keep users updated. For example, a user can send a message to one of Dyna. Webs instant messenger IM accounts, and will get an instant reply showing the newest addresses of Dyna. Web portals. Similar things are being done with emails. By these many, dynamic channels, Dyna. Web outsmarts any attempt to collect all Dyna. Web addresses by the censors, because each user receives only a different subset of Dyna. Webs addresses. Automatic blocking detection combined with quick reaction apparently frustrates the blocking efforts on the China side of the Great Firewall of China GFW. DIT also releases a tiny piece of software, Free. Gate, which directly taps into Dyna. Webs backbone and keeps a user connected to the dynamic channels automatically. There are indications that Free. Gate has some capabilities built in to exploit some zero day vulnerabilities of the GFW. Today Dyna. Web offers the widest range of options for users to access Internet freely, and supports more than 5. Chinese users alone. Creation and fundingeditDIT was founded in 2. China for U. S. government agencies and NGOs. In 2. 00. 2, DIT started to provide anti censorship services under the framework of Dyna. Web, and like Ultra. Surf, Dyna. Web became a top contender of the GFW penetration effort. Freegate was created by Falun Gong practitioners4 and has been financed by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a US governmental agency. Freegate also receives funding from Human Rights in China,6 which is also one of its clients1. Isc Computer Project Pdf. American non profit organization the National Endowment for Democracy. According to a CRS report, the US government gave funding of 6. Freegate in 2. 00. Malware reportseditIn 2. Financial Times, citing a member of staff at Symantec in mainland China, reported that Norton Anti. Virus identified Freegate as a Trojan horse. There were initial fears that the reports may be a ploy by the Chinese Communist Party CCP authorities to encourage removal of the software from computers,1. Symantec explained that its detection was based on the software operating similarly to various Trojan horses, based on the use of proxies to penetrate firewalls used to block web sites, but that it had modified its detection to exclude Freegate. In 2. Syria sent electronic messages to rebels encouraging them to download a file named Freegate which was claimed to be designed to help dissidents circumvent state surveillance agencies, but actually it was a malware and the intruder was able to monitor what the victim was typing on their computer, and read or remove the victims files. In August 2. 01. 3 while Freegate was testing a new proxy program, some people thought it was a phishing attack. Reports from Iran said the users who used Freegate to pass Internet censorship in Iran, were led to a fake page instead of Facebooks main website. Freegate published a note saying they were testing a new proxy program, and the fake Facebook page was a tunnel. Although IT experts warned users to be careful with the tunnel link because it doesnt use SSL security so users information is not encrypted. See alsoeditReferencesedit abc. Leyden, John September 1. Freegate is not Trojan horse, says Symantec. Theregister. co. uk. Free. GateOutrunning Chinas Web Cops. Businessweek. 2. 00. Retrieved 2. 01. 2 0. Midas Xl 200 Service Manual here. Testimony of Shiyu Zhou, Deputy Director of the Global Internet Freedom Consortium. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, Hearing on Global Internet Freedom Corporate Responsibility and the Rule of Law. May 2. 00. 8.  Shirk, Susan L. China Fragile Superpower. Oxford University Press. Geoffrey A. Fowler Chinese Censors of Internet Face Hacktivists in US. In Wall Street Journal, 1. February 2. 00. 6. Pan, Philip P. February 2. Free Software Takes Users Around Filters. Washington Post.  Chipping Away at Chinas Great Firewall. Public Broadcasting Service. April 2. 00. 6.  K. Oanh Ha 8 July 2. Hackers, activists challenge Beijings Internet police Piercing Chinas great firewall. Mercury News.  Our Clients. Dynamic Internet Technology. Project Database of the NED. Ned. org. Archived from the original on 2. Lau, Michelle W. Internet Development and Information Control in the Peoples Republic of ChinaPDF. Congressional Research Service Report for the United States Congress, 2. November 2. 00. 5, table 1. International Broadcasting Bureau Funding for Counter Censorship Technology. Fpc. state. gov.  Leyden, John September 1. Symantec labels China censor busting software as Trojan. Theregister. co. uk. Harris, Shane 3 September 2. How Did Syrias Hacker Army Suddenly Get So Good. Foreign policy. Archived from the original on 6 September 2. Retrieved 4 September 2. Tavaana tech. 5 September 2. Retrieved 2. 5 February 2. External linksedit. Ultra. Surf ndir Son Srm Ykle. Wilcom Software 2009'>Wilcom Software 2009. Internetin ilk kt yllarda manuel ekilde proxy girilerek baz sitelere eriim salanabiliyordu. Fakat gvenilir proxy bulmak bir dert, alan ve balants hzl olan proxyler bulmak ayr dertlerdi. Ancak teknoloji gelitike bu zahmetli sreci tek bana yapan uygulamalar gelitirildi. Ultrareach Internet Corporation firmas tarafndan uzun sredir gelitirilen Ultra. Surf programnn ilk gelitirilme ve ortaya kma sebebi indeki internet kullanclarnn daha zgr ve gvenilir bir ekilde internet ortamnda gezinebilmelerini salayabilmekti. Bu amalar ile gelitirilmeye balanan program u an mevcut olan engelli sitelere giri, anti sansr ve kimlik gizleme tarz programlar arasnda en fazla tercih edilenlerden birisi olmay baarmtr. Gizlilik ve gvenlii tek bir program ile elde edebilmek istiyorsanz Ultra. Surf programn sizlere tavsiye ediyoruz. Ultra. Surf kendi ifreleme algoritmas sayesinde veri transferlerini ifreleyerek gvenliinizi en st seviyede tutar. Basit arayz sayesinde Ultra. Surf kategorisinde en bilinen yazlmlar arasnda. Internet Explorer ya da Google Chrome kullann, bu yazlm tm gezginlerde uyum salamaktadr. Ultrasurf Chrome Eklentisi. Eklentiyi indirmek iin buraya tklayp anndan kurabilirsiniz. Dier tarayclar iin sitemiz zerinden indirme ilemi yapmanz gerekiyor. Uzantlara eklendikten sonra aadaki video izlemeniz kullanm iin size k tutacaktr. Ultrasurf Nasl Kullanlr. Normal yntemler ile balanamadnz tm sayfalara Ultra. Surfun gvenilir proxy sunucular sayesinde balanabilirsiniz. Arka planda srekli gncellenen proxy listesi sayesinde yasakl sitelere giri mmkn oluyor. Kullanm basit olsa da biz yine de yaz sonuna bir video eklemeyi ihmal etmedik. Soru ve sorunlar iin sitemizin yorum blmnde bizlerle iletiime geebilirsiniz. Bu arada belirtmekte fayda var. Bu yazlm kimi Antivirs Yazlmlar tarafndan gvenlik uyars vermektedir. Ultrasurfu kullanabilirsiniz. Facebook ve Twitter gibi sosyal mecralar, bu sre zarfnda bu program ile eriilebilir oluyor. Ancak kullanm alan bununla da kstl deil. Eer yaptnz bir ilemden dolay takip edilebilir olmak istemiyorsanz, bunu Ultra. Surf indirerek gerekletirebilirsiniz. Gerek zamana zaman eriim engeli konulan siteler olsun, gerekse gizli bir ekilde gezinmeye yardm olan uygulama sayesinde kiisel verileriniz de gizlilik ilkesine bal olarak korunmu olacaktr. Yaznn devamndaki videodan kurulum hakknda daha fazla bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz.